Ive tried a bunch of the Flashcard Apps & this is the best (at least for me & my $$).
Great CS, UI, Functionality that keeps getting better with regular updates, and I could go on, but for a few $s you can test drive this App and see. If you love to use flashcards to learn & memorize stuff (school, poetry, foreign languages,etc.) there is nothing with the robust functionality (you may have to learn how to use this Apps full features: color, audio, pictures, etc.) But this has been & continues to be my go to 3x5 card App. Over 4 yrs of use, through:
1) Medical Training;
2) NanoTechnology Degree;
3) Shakespeare, Scripture, Spanish, French, Russian, Favorite Quotes, and everything with which I want to infuse myself to become the best me that I can be.